I Need A Time Machine....
Monday 28 October 2013 @ 09:57 | 0 Comment [s]

I need a time machine :( Go back to the time where we just know each other :')  Rewind all the past. Hope I can through that again. Hope it can happend again :') How I can move on ? Because all my future has become your past,,, Give me a time machine :( I really need it :( Back to the time that we laughing each other. I want to change everythings in my life. And being  a cheerish girls without had a regret feelings.Just ONE mistake,ONE regret.Dear Lord, can You give me a time machine? I REALLY NEED IT :( Time is like a gold, but more expensive and important than gold... We cant buy TIME just like a GOLD, because time cant be repeated. Even I really want to repeat my time with you... I really need a time machine :(

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